Helical and Resistance piers offer an alternative deep foundation solution to the typical drilled pier solution. As with all foundation systems there are site conditions which make the use of these types of deep foundation products a cost effective and viable option.
The benefits of both systems allow for quick installations even in adverse conditions without the need for expensive spoils removal. Both systems can be used in foundation reto-fit projects and can be used to either stabilize the structure or raise the structure to its original level. The products can utilize small hand held equipment allowing the systems to be installed in tight locations without the need to remove preexisting structure or landscaping.
Helical Piers for New Foundation Construction:
Helical piers are a cost effective solution for new foundations that require a deep foundation system due to poor soil conditions. Helical piers are quickly installed and can be used immediately after installation. Each pier is load tested at installation so there is no guess work involved in the load bearing capacity of the pier. Since no excavation is required for the installation of the Helical pier and the Helical pier does not generate any spoils that require removal or relocation on the site they are ideal for sites with contaminated soil. Another benefit of Helical piers is their ease of installation in unconsolidated soils that would normally require casing or other specialty drilling operations. Helical piers install quickly thus provided a significant cost savings.
Helical piers can be used for any type of structure requiring a deep foundation design. They have been used in the power industry for years. Since they require not concrete placement they are ideal for remote or sensitive sites at would make concrete placement impracticable or imposable!
Helical Pier for Existing foundation Stabilization.
Helical piers offer a cost effective alternative to drilled pier foundation stabilizations on existing structures. Helical piers require minimal excavation on the site and can be used to either stabilize or the level the existing structure. Helical piers use the underlying soil to carry the loads of the structure. Galvanized steel brackets are used to transfer the loads from the foundation to the Helical piers. The Helical piers can be installed with hand held equipment requiring only minimal disturbance of the surrounding area. This makes them ideal for use on existing foundations that have landscaping or other features that can not be disturbed or removed. Helical piers have been used on tens of thousands of installations and are a proven foundation system!
Helical's for Soil and Hillside Stabilization.
Helical Tie Backs with multiple small helix plates are used to “stitch” weak slopes together to hold them in place. Helical tie backs are quick and effective solutions to slope stabilizations that can be installed in all conditions. Since the installation of Helical tie backs does not require any drilling or concrete placement so they start working upon installation.
Coupled with other forms of slope stabilization such as shote crete walls, lagging walls and retaining walls Helical Tie Backs offer a permanent solution to retaining hill sides, road cuts and construction excavations.
One benefit of Helical piers for construction excavations is that they can be removed if required after the construct project is complete.
Helical Tie Backs are utilized to retain foundations that are experiencing lateral movement. They can be installed for new or reto-fit applications. They are especially useful in the repair and stabilization of existing soil retaining structures like concrete retaining walls and I-beam lagging walls.